cover Jurassic World: Das gefallene Königreich

starstarstarstarstarstarstarstarstarstar 6.5/10 (99.1K Stimmen)


Land:   Studio: Universal Pictures

Laufzeit: 2Std 08Min

Genre(s): Action, Science-Fiction, Abenteuer

Video-Codec: Unknown   Seitenformat: 2.55:1



Handlung: Three years after the Jurassic World theme park was closed down, Owen and Claire return to Isla Nublar to save the dinosaurs when they learn that a once dormant volcano on the island is active and is threatening to extinguish all life there. Along the way, Owen sets out to find Blue, his lead raptor, and discovers a conspiracy that could disrupt the natural order of the entire planet. Life has found a way, again.

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Medium: Unbekannt   Quelle: Unbekannt   Verliehen: Nein   Dateigröße:

Nummer: 711   Eigene Nummer: