cover FBI - Female Body Inspectors

starstarstarstarstarstarstarstarstarstar 5.3/10 (986 Stimmen)


Land:   Studio: Senator Home Entertainment

Laufzeit: 1Std 30Min

Genre(s): Komödie

Video-Codec: Unknown   Seitenformat: 2.35:1



Handlung: When he receives a call from Bornsville sheriff, telling him Pamela Rose' coffin has been stolen, agent Douglas Riper sees a good occasion to meet again with his former partner Richard Bullit, that he hasn't seen for a long time. Both of them used to be stars of the FBI but are now completely out of the game, and this inquiry is in fact a trap set up by a guy who hates them big time. But none of them suspects that soon they are going to be the only ones to know that the President of the United States is on the verge of being murdered. Nothing less....

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Medium: Unbekannt   Quelle: Unbekannt   Verliehen: Nein   Dateigröße:

Nummer: 546   Eigene Nummer: 1550